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Tired of Daily DfAM Checks? Let CDS Automate Fixture & Mold Generation for 3D Printing.

Join us for a webinar on Tuesday, February 29, 2024 at 9 AM CST where CDS experts will demonstrate how their solutions integrated with GrabCAD Print Pro can automate repetitive design and manufacturability analysis.

CDS CTO Henri De Charnace and Sales Director Georges Caseau will show how CDS' innovative tools inside GrabCAD Print Pro allow you to:

  • Easily perform orientation, cost estimation, and printability analysis to ensure first-time-right printing
  • Streamline creation of 3D textures, lattices, and TPMS structures to enhance part performance
  • Automate generation of jigs, fixtures, and molds needed for production

Eliminate the daily grind of manual DfAM checks and mold design. Register now for the webinar to see how CDS and GrabCAD Print Pro can automate fixture and mold generation for your additive workflows.

Shuvom Ghose
GrabCAD Software BD at Stratasys

Shuvom is the Software Business Development Manager at Stratasys, leading partnerships for GrabCAD. An aerospace engineer and science fiction author, he has been helping people 3D print for over 7 years.

Georges Caseau
Sales Director at CDS

Georges is an experienced 3D printing sales engineer with a global understanding of the AM industry thanks to the several roles he occupied at a service bureau, in HW sales, and in SW sales. He is now globally driving the sales of CDS, a DfAM software editor, as Sales Director.Georges is an experienced 3D printing sales engineer with a global understanding of the AM industry thanks to the several roles he occupied at a service bureau, in HW sales, and in SW sales. He is now globally driving the sales of CDS, a DfAM software editor, as Sales Director.

Henri De Charnace

Henri is an expert in design automation and parametric design. He has successfully conducted over +100 DfAM engineering projects. Based on this solid experience, he has become the CTO of CDS, a DfAM software editor, with a clear focus on streamlining workflows using software.Henri is an expert in design automation and parametric design. He has successfully conducted over +100 DfAM engineering projects. Based on this solid experience, he has become the CTO of CDS, a DfAM software editor, with a clear focus on streamlining workflows using software.